I have two linen cupboards. Tall. Skinny. White. I quite like the smell of them. They are old. Like the house.
One side, I keep bed linen.
The other side, I keep towels.
I am trying to work out how many I actually need for my little family of 4. Do I need 4 beach towels? or 8? or 12 just in case friends need them too?
I am trying to work out how many I actually need rather than "just in case", and how many I need so that I am not washing every day. I think Miss Minimalist's One is a bit extreme! ;) (Awesome blog!)
Miss Minimalist
And what about bath towels? I think I could cope with two.
At the end of the day, no matter what the number, it is about editing. For the first time in my life, I had a linen cupboard - at my last rental place - and it got crammed full of stuff. Mostly stuff that we've been given. I think at last count, I had 26 beach towels???? I've now donated most of them, and own 8.